Old News



This is the old news section. This is where you find news that we posted awhile ago (go figure).

Whoa Ive really been slackin on maintaining this site... Well whatever ill do everything to it now. Thanks to everyone that came out to the show at the place last night! That rocked hard!! Also I got alot to say too. Three more songs were added to the lyrics section (our three new songs; way out, SOS, Shake it). And another thing, we are currently recording our demo. Its coming along GREAT. Its probably going to be about four or five songs and were looking to release it around February. I'll keep ya updated on that. Well, Happy Holidays from all of us in the band. See ya. -Chris

Hey guys I just wanted to announce another show we're playing at. We are playing with THE BLINKING UNDERDOGS and LOCAL STORY on Nov. 29!!! Check out the shows page for all the details!! -Chris

Man this weekend was awesome. Just kept playing and playing. The show at The Factory turned out great and so did the one at The Place. We had a blast playing both of those shows (not to mention Unsung Zeros kicked total ass again). Hopefully next time I'll have STICKERS to give out or whatever. Thanx for everyone who showed up at the Factory and at the Place to see us! You all make this band! Oh and by the way we're going to be playing with BUM RUCKUS and FANG SHOOEY and a buncha other bands on Dec. 6 at Kaffe Krystal. Contact me for presale tix!! well im out see you at the shows! -Chris

Damn Im getting lazy with this site... Im going to start updating more often again now especially about upcoming shows. Like the 2 we are playing at this weekend! The Factory on Thursday, The Place (@ Sunset Place) on Sat. Both shows are going to rawk way hard so I hope to see you there! Im out. Later. -Chris

Whoa sorry about not updating in such a long time. Especially the day after the house show. Man that was fun. Despite some instrument related problems (DAMN YOU GUITAR CABLE) I'd say the show came out really well. Lots of people were tearin it up and having fun. And even though that metal band took away the PA, all you people STILL TORE IT UP!! RAWK ON PEOPLE YOU ALL KICK ASS!! Oh yea another thing, I guess that whole "metal imitaion" we pulled seemed to offend alot of people (well the metal band i mean). I really didnt know that such a little joke could be so offensive. It wasn't meant to piss anyone off but take it as you will I guess. Hehe... I think thats way funny. And as for calling us pricks and saying having no respect? Heh well I think we actually have respect for other bands and we DONT PLAY IN THE MIDDLE OF THEIR SETS!!! Now THAT is being a prick. Oh yea and by the way, be sure to check out the KEGGAR PARTY this sat. and the Battle of the Bands this sun. peaze! -Chris

Hey guys just wanted to let you know about some UPCOMING SHOWS!! Yes we are going to be playing at Churchill's for a Battle of the Bands! The only catch is, its an 18&up show... But if you're 18 or older and wanna check us out and show your support at this battle, contact one of us on our AIM screenames or email us at eatthesnowband@hotmail.com. Better news for everyone, we're also going to be playing at Kaffe Krystal again with kickass bands such as BUM RUCKUS! That's an all ages show to be sure to check that one out... pretty sure its gonna kick ass. Also don't be surprised if you see us live and we throw brand new songs into the set... Peaze. -Chris

BEACH BASH KICKED TOTAL ASS!!! Oh yea guys that show rawked way hard. Thanx for all of you who went and watched us. And CRAZY PROPS for the kids that got kicked out for being to hardcore in the pits!!! You guys kick ass!! Oh man it went well. Sorry about not having any stickers people... I kinda left them at my friend's house heh... but whatever I'll have them next time. Keep an eye out for us on the bill for more shows coming up! peaze. -Chris

Hey guys, I know long time no update. Well I got some good news for yall. Eat the Snow will be performing at the Columbus High School dance, Beach Bash this Friday! Its gonna be a kick ass show and its going to be PACKED! We're gonna play, for the first time ever, Through the Window. And to top that off, with any luck we'll have free stickers and a 2 song sampler CD featuring Shy Guy and the acoustic version of Through the Window. Holy crap thats alot of good news. Especially for you people. Only down side is that only guys from Columbus can get in (well thats how its "supposed" to be, but I know alot of you have your ways...). All girls are welcome! Get a guy from Columbus to buy you a ticket or just buy it at the door. Anyways, see ya at the show! -Chris

ETS IN THE STUDIO! Just yesterday Eat the Snow went to SAE Institute to begin some REAL recording. This stuff is going to sound great. ALSO, guess who has STICKERS NOW!!! Yes we have stickers now! Come out to the shows to get some!! (or if you see any of us just ask). Pics from the studio will be up soon. later!

NEW ETS MUSIC AVAILABLE ON THE WEBSITE!!! Go to MUSIC section to download one of the new Eat the Snow songs, Through the Window!

Hey guys. Its Chris again. I wish i could say the first Snowball show went great, but it didn't... The show got shut down when the cops showed up at around 8:30 or so. That ruined EVERYTHING. They cut Space Station 5 off in the middle of their set and we, Branded, Out of Reach and Only in Theatres didn't even get to play!! That SUCKED!! Im really sorry about that guys. Much thanx to everyone who came out to it. But hey, on another note, we might be playing another show next week so look out for that show. Oh yea and more good news... we now have 6 BRAND NEW SONGS!! I'm really happy with them and i gotta say I think its some real good stuff. Acoustic versions of the new songs will be up on mp3.com as soon as i can get them there. I'll post when they're up. Well until next time, peaze. -Chris

Ya we haven't updated in awhile due to a weeklong vacation that me and my brother took last week. Well we're back now and we're gonna start rockin some more shows soon! As soon as Kevin gets back from Colorado that is. We got a couple shows coming up now but only one is done being planned. It was put together by Nick and will be the first show of a ton of shows being thrown by Snowball Productions. If you see a snowball show, its garunteed to rock real hard so be there!! Our next show is set for Aug. 16 see the shows section for the info or the flyers section for the flyer. Well its cool to be back. later people. -Chris

Hey people. Just wanted to say thanx to everyone that came out to last night's show. It was really cool. Unfortunately we got really screwed into playing last again so some people had left or started leaving but we still had fun jamming out. Besides no worries, EAT THE SNOW WON'T BE CLOSING ANYMORE HOUSE SHOWS so everyone who goes will be able to see us. We also played a NEW SONG on yesterday. That one is called Goldilox hope you all liked it. You can find the lyrics for that one in the lyrics section now. In the shows section I'm going to start posting the lineups in order and will include us in it to show our slot. Check back for updates. See you at the shows! -Chris

wuts up everyone. its kevin. thanks to those who showed up friday. it was fun havin all you there. the show on saturday was pretty cool too. it was our first closing spot. hope to do it again soon. the next show comin up is this friday. its gunna kick a lot of ass, so i hope to see all you crazy fuckers there tearin it up. check the shows section for more info on that. we have a couple of new songs in the making. theyre comin out pretty good. maybe ull get to here one on friday..................... -Kevin

Yo. Wud up dudes. It's Nick and I have some stuff to tell you people. Well first of all, we finally have the pictures from the Kaffe Krystal show up so check those out. We have a few shows coming up. We have a 4th of July party on Friday. It's a private party so if you wanna go you have to be a friend of the band. You could ask either Kevin, Chris, or me for the info on that. We also have a show on Sat., July 5th with Ramshackles, Brand name Punk and some other bands. That show's gunna kick ass so you better check it out. We have another show on July 11th with What Now, Only in Theaters and a few other kick ass bands. The info for those two shows is in the SHOWS section. Ok, I think thats about it for now. L8er dudes. -Nick

Hey guys, I've been meanin to update the site with the pics from Kaffe Krystal and some more shows we're playin at, but I didn't get down to doing it 'till today. But we still don't have the Krystal pics developed yet and we have one other show this month, but we haven't gotten all the info on it yet. I'll post it as soon as I get it. We got 2 new shows posted though. One of them is THIS COMING WEEKEND on July 5. Its going to be a sweet show so tell all your freinds and find your rides! The Krystal pics will be put up as soon as possible. Later pplz. -Chris

Hey guys, it's Nick. Chris is a lazy ass so he asked me to do this update. The SUPER house show on saturday was awesome. It rained while the Ramshackles were playing and some equipment got wet, but it still rocked. We got sprayed with silly string by Ali. That was funny, thanks. We don't have pictures from the show because Chris forgot the camera. So, sorry guys. We still have to develope the pictures from Kaffe Krystal. We have a few more shows coming up in July. Look in the SHOWS sections for info on that. Ok, I think thats it for now. Later dudes. -Nick

Hey guys, Kaffe Krystal last night was kickass! The show went great. Thanks to all of you that showed up to see us and thanks to Pat from OIT for getting us the gig. We were surprised with the number of you that saw us. Also remember that next weekend is the SUPER HOUSE PARTY. 11 bands! The show is gonna rock the info is on the shows page. Another thing, WE GOT NEW PICS!!! Finally after having the same pics forever, we got new ones. Also we're gonna have pics of last night's show and next weekend's shows when they're developed. Later. -Chris

Hey guys, Kaffe Krystal last night was kickass! The show went great. Thanks to all of you that showed up to see us and thanks to Pat from OIT for getting us the gig. We were surprised with the number of you that saw us. Also remember that next weekend is the SUPER HOUSE PARTY. 11 bands! The show is gonna rock the info is on the shows page. Another thing, WE GOT NEW PICS!!! Finally after having the same pics forever, we got new ones. Also we're gonna have pics of last night's show and next weekend's shows when they're developed. Later. -Chris

Hey people I just wanted to announce real quick that we got 2 shows coming up. First off, we got called to play at the Mutual Funds CD release party tomorrow at Kaffe Krystal. That show's gonna rock hard so make it if you can. Also we're gonna be playing at a house party next weekend on the 14th. All the info is on the shows page. Well gotta go. I'll keep you posted. -Chris

Hey guys, sorry about all the site freezing up computers... I heard it was doing that but i fixed it now. No shows for sure at the moment, but check back we'll probably be playin sometime on the weekend of June 14... also no stickers yet, but they'll be there. Later. -Chris

Hey thanx alot for everyone that showed up at the show last Friday. I know we were supposed to play on Sat. too but, as you prolly found out, we couldn't. Nick got really sick the day of the show so he couldn't play drums and we had to cancel... sorry guys. Well check back for more shows, we should have a couple posted soon. Later. -Chris

Hey guys, the Battle of the Bands at Columbus rocked we didn't win it, but it was still pretty kickass. We all had a blast. Thanks to all of you that came out to it. Also be on the lookout for Eat the Snow STICKERS that should be comin out soon...(more info on that when we get it) And this weekend, we will be playing a FREE SHOW. Its a house party and it looks like its going to be real kool. Make sure that you show up early if you want to see us though, cause we'll be opening this one. See you all there. -Chris

Tickets will be sold at the door for battle of the bands at Columbus. They'll probably be like 5 or 6 bucks so if you want to check it out, you can still go (still girls only... sry..). Also, there was an addition to the lineup: 39 Cent Special will be opening the show... trust me its gonna rock! -Chris

Just real quick I thought I'd say that we are going to be playing at the Columbus Battle of the Bands on May 9 so come check it out, it should be an awesome show. The only thing is no guys from any school besides Columbus can go. They won't let you in. All girls are welcome, but your tickets should be bought by a Columbus student at the school. Tickets MIGHT be sold at the door, but thats not for sure yet. I'll keep you all posted. -Chris

Last night kicked ass. I don't know any other way to put it. We all had a blast playing both at St. Stephens and Christina's party. Thanks alot for everyone who made it- you rock! Also our thanks goes out to Cristian Delano who filled in for Kevin on bass last night. Another thing you should know is that the venue for the show on May 10 was changed. Now the show is going to be at Miami Wings. Come check us out and show your support! -Chris

St. Stephens show this Saturday! Its going to be awesome you should go and check it out. Besides, its not like you have anything better to do on Saturday night... Go to the show!!!(the address in on the shows page) I'll see you there. -Chris

Hey guys, the show on the 4th rocked hard! Thanks for all of you people that showed up, the shows are nothing without you. Alright so I'm just going to tell you all about a show coming up that we're playing at BB's Sports Bar on May 10. All the info is on the SHOWS page. Show your support again and say you're there to see us! And get there early because we're going on 1st. Thanks again everyone. -Chris

SHOW GOT CANCELLED!Okay, I found out yesterday that the show at The Alley got cancelled, but i didn't post it until today because I'm a lazy bastard. Either way there was no time so it probably made no difference. Whatever. We got more shows comin' up anyway. And new songs too. By the way about the recording, we had to put it on hold for awhile. Not sure when we're going to start again but hopefully it will be soon.-Chris

SHOW AT THE ALLEY Hey guys we just got added to the bill for a show at the Alley this coming Tues., April 1. Come give your support if you can! You can get all the info. on the SHOWS page. See you all at the shows!

Hey guys, I just want to thank everyone who went to the last show on the 22nd, it went awesome! Now we got another show comin up on April 19 and mebe another one sometime soon. We'll be sure to let all of you know everything we know as we know it (uhh... yea..) 'Till next time, Chris.

Hey we're going to be playing another show on March 22! It looks to be a pretty sweet party with a bunch of good bands. Check out the Shows section for the info.

Hey just wanted to let you all know to check us out at mp3.com once in awhile now... we've just added two new songs and they should be online in a couple of days. The songs added are our garage recordings of Not Comin Home and an acousic version of Letting Go. Look out for us on the bills of some upcoming shows. See you all at the shows.

Hey we just wanted to say thanks to everyone that came to the show on the 24th (especially those who came early enough to see us!!) for making it a huge success. For those who didn't go, Late for Life was the surprise band. Our friends Off Track were added to the bill at the last second too. Everything went great. Be sure to check back for more shows. Also, pictures from the 24th will be posted on the site soon.

We are going to be playing at another show next friday(Jan. 24th). The lineup is awesome. Local Story, Citizen Kane, Piece of Mind, non-balls, pullout, speedy chorizo, (not to mention us)... and there's going to be a SPECIAL APPEARANCE by a REAL KICKASS BAND so I say you should check it out. 5 bucks entry. Check out the SHOWS section for all the info.

Wow its been awhile since we've updated. Well I'm glad to say that the new year started off great. Just two days ago we played at a house party with Local Story, Late for Life, Piece of Mind, The Blinking Underdogs, and Vidavox. Despite a rough start and a little technical trouble, I'd say we did pretty well. No pics from this show, but we'll get some next time. Check back for info on another show coming up probably later this month.

Nov. 30 show got cancelled. Whether or not its just postponed is still a question, but if it ever comes back on I'll be sure to post it as soon as possible. Also if you are looking to throw a party and need bands feel free to contact us. (Only people who are SURE they're throwing the party, please.)

Okay, for anyone who wanted to go to the last show, but couldnt for some reason, you got lucky becasue the show was moved to Nov. 30. There are also more bands playing. Entrance is still free so you got nothing to lose. So if you were going to stay in Saturday night, go to the show instead. And if you weren't... go to the show anyways. You'll have more fun there.

I told you last time we wouldn't be without a show for too long. Well we're playing a show on Nov. 23. Its gonna be a house party. Check out the SHOWS section for all the info.

The show on Nov. 3 was pretty cool. Wait till Friday played their set and did it well and we had alot of fun in our set too. Also, the show on Nov. 9 was cancelled all together. That's not to say we won't be playing live soon. Expect to see us playing more and bigger shows soon.

THE NOV. 2 SHOW IS BACK ON! Only it got postponed and is going to be on Nov. 3. It will be featuring us and Wait 'till Friday. Go look at the SHOWS section of the site for the address and check us out if you get a chance. And to add to the good news, we have a new section on our site. Now we have a lyrics section for everyone that didn't understand the words in our songs (i think that's most of you). Also we changed the PICS section and now we have more and better pictures. Check 'em out when you get a chance.

Alright, for those of u who DID check the shows part of our site, you might have seen that we were supposed to play on Nov. 2. That show got cancelled because we dont have a place to play at anymore BUT... We did get another show on Nov. 9. Its going to be a house party and there are going to be some pretty big bands playing so it'll definetly be worth checking out. Just thought you might want to know. Laterz.

Hey, they're up again! Just today the new pressing of Bitch was approved and is now available for you to download on Mp3.com! There is also the new pressing of Thirty-Three that was approved as well. So go check out the MUSIC section of the site. Check out the new music. Check back for more news soon!

Okay, I know that the song Bitch just got approved yesterday but we got a better pressing of it now. That's why if you go on our MP3.com page now, you will still only find Thirty Three. We also have a new pressing of Thirty Three that we want to post up there, but for now, the old pressing of Thirty Three will remain. Check back soon. We'll post it on this site when Bitch is available for downloading again. Same goes for Thirty Three.

For those of you who like us (and even those who don't), you might want to check out our page at MP3.com. There is a new song of ours that just went on and is available for downloading. This new one is called Bitch. So go on and check it out.

Yea. I regret to say that Eat the Snow is now short one member. Just a couple days ago our second guitarist, Matt Gonzalez (there i spelled your name right this time) decided to leave the band. He says he's going off to play bass again in some faraway band... Ok he's just lookin to form an emo band. Well Matt, whatever you decide to do, good luck to ya. Its been real cool bro.

The CONTACT link on this site has ben changed a little bit. Now its an actual page instead of a mailto link. On that page you can found our e-mail address and our AOL screen names if you want them. Look for our new songs on Mp3.com soon!

As you probably already noticed, there are pictures of us on the site now. Yes, that means the PICS section of our site is now up and running. There are a couple pics from one of our practices there now and there will be more of practices and shows very soon. We are also glad to say that we found a permanent bassist for the band so now we are ready to play shows. We have a couple of shows lined up but no exact dates. When we get them they will be posted on the SHOWS section.

Yes, its finally here! Our song "Thirty Three" is now available for downloading at Mp3.com! Go ahead and support us by checkin it out. There's a link right to our part of Mp3.com in the MUSIC section of this site. So go ahead and listen to our music already! Expect more news updates and the PICS section of the site to be up and running very soon.